The regime Ducane: the essence and efficiency

The reasons for the creation of this feeding method dr. Pierre Ducane is very well described in his book "I don't know to lose weight". Here is the quote:

Like all of my physician colleagues, I graduated with a degree typical of the classical French school where we learned to severe calorie calculation and told the low-calorie diets, allowing the consumption of all products, but in moderate quantities.

But as soon as I started working, this beautiful theory based on the hope fragile, which can be turned on at work, a person who eats a lot, in a conscientious and scrupulous of any lover of low-calorie diet, definitely collapsed.

What I know today, I learned through a long practice and immediate effect on the daily life to communicate with my patients — men, and more often women, passionately desiring to cook and even more are in the irresistible need to eat. Very quickly I realized that under the mask of gluttony and appetite unbridled hides the need to reward itself through the food for all the fat folks is compelling, and even urgent, as a survival instinct.

Soon, it became clear that we are not able to help the big man to lose weight, giving him the only advice, how much common sense and scientific argument has nothing been. The person who made the decision to lose weight, turns to the doctor or allowing lean to does not carry on alone the fight against excess weight — the fight goes against his survival instinct. This man strives to find external power, someone that accompanied him, and gave to him to give clear instructions — that the thing he hates the most, of the instructions, it is the instruction, because it is impossible to determine the precise day, time and means of abstinence of food.

If all that is written above, and You really can't count calories and my diet instructions, the diet Ducane can become for You a salvation.

The essence of the diet Ducane

The essence of the methodology describe the quotes from the book of Pierre Ducane "I do not know to lose weight":

I created my protein diet of alternation... in view of the ease with which my patients after the first successes have been ready to give up on their goals and re-take the old I've had to turn your scheme into something big in a comprehensive weight loss plan.

The "Attack"Phase

what are the foods you can eat on a diet Ducane

Includes the consumption of pure protein, allow you to lose weight quickly and in practice, is not inferior to the results obtained by the famine, and of the use of protein powder, but without the disadvantages of these two methods.

With the exception of egg protein, food, exclusively composed of proteins, in the nature does not exist. So, it is a diet, the diet consists of the products, the composition of the approach for the benefit nutritious squirrel. For example, meat, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs and low-fat dairy products.

The Phase Of "Alternation"

This phase of the plan provides a alternation of protein with vegetables, and allows you to quickly and once you reach the desired weight.

The Phase Of "Fixing"

The phase of fixing the results, calculated on the prevention of the yo-yo effect, when the body seeks to quickly restore the lost weight. This is the stage of increased vulnerability, the duration of which is calculated according to the following formula: 10 days on the setting of each kilo lost in the previous two steps.

the rules of the diet on the diet Ducane

The objective of this phase of the diet is to avoid the strong increase of weight which is the result the most common cause of the most diets to lose weight. The introduction of such important products, such as bread, fruit, cheese, some starchy food products, and access to some of the redundant processes are absolutely necessary, provided that their inclusion in the diet is a the exact instructions. The duration of this step is the same as the number of pounds lost, multiplied by 10, that is 10 days on the setting lost a kilo.

The Phase Of "Stabilization"

The main final stage of retention achieved weight that is based on very simple measures of protection, not requiring special efforts to maintain made weight:

  • 1 of protein a day per week, that is, adhere to the "attack" phase 1 time per week, and it was on Thursday;
  • the refusal of the elevator;
  • 3 tablespoons of oat bran per day.

These three rules require that the compliance in the same time, it is concrete and without complexes in the conditions, but they must be followed in the course of a lifetime!!

Summary of the regime Ducane

The quote from the book of Pierre Ducane "I do not know to lose weight":

"The phase-specific protein "Attack"


  • only the protein.

Average time:

  • 2 to 7 days.
principles of power on the regime Ducane

The Phase Of "Alternation"


  • the alternating protein days and days, when you can consume more protein and vegetables.

Average time:

  • about 1 lost a kilo in a week, until you reach the desired weight.

The Phase Of "Fixing"


  • are added 2 slices of bread, fruit, cheese, 2 servings of starchy products (1 portion in the first half of phase 2 — in the second half).
  • There are also 2 festive meals the week (1 feast in the first half of phase 2 of the feast of the second half).

Average time:

  • 10 days on the fixing of a lost a kilo.

The final stage of "Stabilization"

The protein Thursday + refusal of the use of the lift + 3 tablespoons of oat bran every day.

Average time:

  • during the entire life.

The first stage of the "Attack" is rather short, but very effective. He succeeds on stage under the name of "Alternation", including periods of storm and respite, followed by a phase to preserve the gains of weight, the duration of which is proportional to the number of pounds lost. And finally, to save so hard, lost weight permanently, and because the effective measurement, compliance with recommended until the end of life, a protein of one day per week, which allows you to keep a balance in all the other days of the week."

Why is effective a regime Ducane

slimming Dukane

The efficiency of this feeding system is proven to be very numerous in practice, and it is easy to explain.

  1. Fast help to lose weight, as it is a protein-rich diet.
  2. The alternating days of protein-vegetable protein to reduce the harm of protein in the diet.
  3. A particular attention is given to the conservation of the result. The sweetness and gradually return to normal life, the vast majority of people will be able to stay in the weight.
  4. Thanks to the creation of rules that man must follow a lifetime, perhaps to the conservation of the normal mass of the body.